Year 3 Scholarships

Academic, music and sports scholarships are available to pupils entering into Year 3 who demonstrate exceptional ability in these areas.

Our children have excellent outcomes, and this is testament to our outstanding teaching provision, particularly as our standard entrance criteria is non academically selective. The curriculum for all children is designed to stretch and challenge our pupils, however scholars are expected to embrace these opportunities with enthusiasm and make exemplary progress, with guidance and challenge from our teaching staff. In return, scholars will receive bespoke learning opportunities designed around their own particular strengths as part of our More Able Programme as well as opportunities to share their skills and talents at whole school events and internal and external competitions.

Scholars are expected to work hard and contribute positively to the life of the school, demonstrating the Staines Prep Way at all times. Each scholarship has specific criteria to which pupils and their parents must adhere, and renewal is assessed on an annual basis. Details can be found within the Scholarship Policy. The scholarship award is equivalent of up to 10% of annual schools fees.

The deadline for scholarship entry to Year 3 is Friday 28th February 2025. Completed applications should be emailed to

Academic Scholarship

Expectations for pupil

  • Follow the Staines Prep Way at all times and be a role model to others in doing this.
  • Be involved in a range of clubs to extend learning and develop skills.
  • Represent the school/perform at events throughout the year.
  • Demonstrate an exceptional ability in the core subject areas.
  • Demonstrate excellent effort in all areas of the curriculum.


  • Reference required from current Head for external applicants only.

Retaining the scholarship

  • Perform at the top of the year group in all academic subjects – shown through effort grades and attainment levels.
  • Approach all areas of school life with a positive and enthusiastic attitude.
  • Uphold behavioural standards.
  • Participate in all whole school challenges/ competitions e.g. reading challenge, fundraising challenge etc.

Assessment (Stage 1)

  • Writing task
  • Comprehension task
  • Maths task

Interview (Stage 2)

  • Interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team
  • Tour with Head Boy/Head Girl (external applicants only)
  • Option to show a portfolio of independent work during interview



Music Scholarship

Expectations for pupil  

  • Follow the Staines Prep Way at all times and be a role model to others in doing this
  • Grade 1, working towards Grade 2 on at least one instrument (pupils that demonstrate a high ability level equivalent to Grade 2, but that have not taken an examination, may also be considered)
  • Be involved in Music clubs to extend learning and develop skills
  • Represent the school/perform at events throughout the year


  • Reference required from a current Music teacher (teacher of chosen instrument)
  • Required from current Head or Director of Music for external applicants only

Retaining the scholarship

  • Assessment of effort and attainment in Music and Singing lessons
  • Attend extra-curricular Music clubs
  • Show progress in developing aural skills by having a follow up aural test at the end of the year
  • Perform at Music Evening
  • Review achievement in Music graded exams and Music curriculum lessons


  • Perform on principal instrument of two contrasting pieces. Candidates may also offer an additional piece on a second instrument
  • Aural test
  • Assessed by Director of Music
  • Interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team


Sport Scholarship

Expectations for pupil 

  • Participate in at least two sports outside of school. One of these should be at a high level
  • Follow the Staines Prep Way at all times and be a role model to others in doing this
  • Demonstrate good sportsmanship
  • Commit to fixtures within school. These may be on a Saturday or after school. It is an expectation that Sports Day is attended
  • Be involved in a range of clubs to extend learning and develop skills


  • Reference required from a current sports coach
  • Required from current Head or Head of Games for external applicants only

Retaining the scholarship

  • Be A team standard (high level) in at least two sports inside and outside of school
  • Excellent effort in both PE and Games as shown in effort grades
  • Attendance of School Fixtures


  • Undertake physical challenges assessed by Head of Games Department
  • Interview with a member of the Senior Leadership Team



For assistance with fee planning and information on means tested bursaries, please contact the Bursar. Completed application forms should be submitted to the Bursar by the first Friday in December for rewards in respect of the next academic year. Bursary awards are reviewed annually.


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