Twitter | 2 August 2024
Our Year 6 leavers share some parting advice to their peers. #StainesPrep #Year6Leavers
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What a fun-filled Book Week we have had! The highlight of the week was World Book Day, and it was fantastic to see all the creative costumes during our whole-school parade to kick-start our day. Throughout the day, all children from Nursery to Year 6 had the opportunity to meet our Book Day author, Samantha Bell, who talked to them about her creative process of writing as well as the topic of plastic pollution in our oceans.
This week, children throughout the school have been exploring the topic of Sustainability.
In the Lower School, children enjoyed a rotation of activities on Wednesday including recycled art, biscuit decorating and ocean clean up water trays.
The Reception children created save the ocean animal posters and explored picture books on environmental issues, such as Somebody Swallowed Stanley. Year 1 looked at comparisons between a clean ocean and a polluted ocean and also created posters to help protect and save our seas. In Year 2, the children enjoyed reading the story ‘Fish’ by Brendan Kearney and completed activities related to the story across the week.
Children have also taken part in Book Swaps within their year groups and many visited our Scholastic Book Fair on Tuesday or Thursday after school. All our Upper School
children displayed their knowledge and enthusiasm for books when they participated in the ‘Book Week Inter-House Quiz’.
Year 3 displayed their creativity by making their own fabulous puppet shows entitled ‘The Girl who Saved the Rainforest’ showcasing their imagination and storytelling skills. The children in Year 4, have been exploring the story ‘The Last Polar Bears’ by Harry Horse. They have linked this to their topic on climate change and also to their work on the Titanic.
On Thursday, the Year 5 English classroom was transformed into a ‘Book Tasting Cafe’ allowing the pupils to sample books across a range of genres. Year 5 have also been
exploring the topic of Plastic Pollution creating informative pamphlets about the issue. Year 6 pupils were excited to learn more about their topic exploring Endangered Species with a visit from guest speaker Mark Ellis from the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation.
To end our busy week, today Ms Sawyer and the other judges have had the difficult task of judging the Book Week Competition. Children from Years 1 to 6 created some
outstanding pieces of artwork made from recycled materials based on famous children’s books. Click here to view the competition entries.
Click here to view more photos from World Book Day.
Miss Brown – Whole School English Coordinator