Twitter | 2 August 2024
Our Year 6 leavers share some parting advice to their peers. #StainesPrep #Year6Leavers
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Staines Prep are pleased to offer a dedicated on-site school uniform shop!
Our uniform shop – run in partnership with The Direct Clothing Company – is situated in the Garden Room, adjacent to the Lower School Playground and is open on a Tuesday and Thursday during term time and on specific days during the school holidays.
Website: Staines Prep Uniform Shop
On-site shop: 01784 459 566
Opening Times (term times only):
We stock a full range of uniform from Nursery all the way through to Upper Prep and you can also order online, so getting the children kitted out has never been easier!
We want our pupils to take pride in their appearance and therefore ask parents to send their children to school in the correct uniform that is clean, in good condition and well fitting. Please ensure every item is clearly labelled – this includes kit worn for extracurricular activities.
Extreme hairstyles (e.g. colours, shapes or symbols shaved into the head or a haircut with a grade 1 or less) are not acceptable. We ask parents to support the school in what is deemed appropriate.
Studs may be worn except for during PE, Games and swimming, when they should be removed. Other jewellery is not permitted unless worn for religious reasons.
The lists below outline the necessary uniform for each year group. If you need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact the uniform shop.
We are also pleased to have a ‘preloved uniform’ facility on site – simply complete the uniform request form and return this to the school office. Garments will be sent home with your child for fitting.
We are happy to receive donated, outgrown and current uniform which is in an ‘as good as new’ condition. Please wash/dry-clean all items, remove all name labels and place them in a bag which can then be handed to the office.
For further information please contact the office.
Twitter | 2 August 2024
Our Year 6 leavers share some parting advice to their peers. #StainesPrep #Year6Leavers
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